We Are Carolina Strong
The mental health and well-being of our campus community is paramount, and Carolina has resources available to support students, faculty and staff now and in the days ahead. View #UNC’s mental health resources, and please share with others during this time.
- The University has set up a hotline for students, faculty, staff, parents and the community to address concerns and questions. It can be accessed by calling 919-918-1999.
- The Heels Care Network website is a place for all Tar Heels to come together in support of each other and access the many mental health and well-being resources at Carolina. To access Heels Care Network, visit: http://care.unc.edu
- Counseling and Psychological Services are available to any students who need to speak with a mental health provider. CAPS can be reached via 919-966-3658 or caps@unc.edu.
- The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will have dedicated counselors available for faculty and staff today and Wednesday.