About Us
Contact Us
You can reach The Summer School at 919-966-4364 or summer_school@unc.edu.
Our Team
Jennifer Larson
Adjunct Teaching Professor, Dept. of English & Comparative Literature
Erin Willis
Assistant Director (Data Analysis, Strategy, Special Projects)
Michael Smith
Administrative Director (Budget & Payroll)
Erin Moseley
Academic Director (Admissions, Faculty Nominations, Registration)
David Mallen
Pre-College Programming Director
Bonnie Yarboro
Student & Learner Recruitment Director
Danielle Hille
Relationship Marketing Specialist
Valencia Flowers
Administrative Assistant
Our Vision and History
The Summer School’s vision is to be students’ No. 1 choice for summer learning. We aim to encourage and support Academic Affairs units in offering summer courses that allow UNC-CH students and Summer School Visitors to make progress toward their degrees.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill established what was possibly the first residential summer school in America in 1877. “The Summer Normal School,” as it was then called, enrolled 235 students in courses in more than 10 disciplines. About half the students were teachers; students came from 42 counties across North Carolina and neighboring states.
Summer School was the first school at UNC-Chapel Hill to enroll women, beginning in its first year and continuing thereafter. By 1925, records indicate that 19,983 students had enrolled in Summer School. From 1934 to 1987, these programs were administered by the Office of Summer Sessions. The traditional name of The Summer School was reinstated in 1988.
The University has continued to provide a wide offering of annual summer academic opportunities to its students, the people of North Carolina, and other residents in this country and abroad. Currently, more than 50 departments or curricula of the College of Arts and Sciences and six professional schools in Academic Affairs offer a diverse array of summer classes, including field courses, research courses, and graduate-level labs.